What is a Ruckus Maker?

A Ruckus Maker is someone who wants to Do School Different™.

As Steve Jobs famously said in 2017:

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.

We’re kinda like that in the education space.

When you subscribe you’ll get:

  • Micro-books focused on how to Do School Different™.

  • Stories and case studies of the world’s most legendary Ruckus Makers of all time.

  • Tools and other resources that will help you produce positive results that will make you proud.

  • An ad-free version of the Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast — ranked in the TOP 0.5% shows in the world + bonus content not available on the regular podcast feed.

  • Coaching opportunities with Danny Bauer.

Why micro-books?

After writing his first best-seller, Danny Bauer started a new creative project.

He teamed up, Ariel Curry, with the editor of Mastermind and pitched a unique idea 💡

What if we collaborated on a series of four books that all addressed a gap in school leadership and could be read in about an hour?

The result:

Ruckus Makers are busy.

Most books are 10% an original idea and 90% fluff restating the idea over and over and over again …

Ruckus Makers LOVED these series of books because they could be read in an hour.

But as Danny always says …

Ideas are great, but not the greatest

Most importantly, a Ruckus Maker could then apply the ideas by taking action and create a positive result in just a few hours of work.

So when you subscribe to The Ruckus Makers Newsletter, you’ll access regularly published micro-books (at least once a month) and other content focused on one thing:

How to Do School Different.

That’s part challenge.

Part invitation.

We look forward to creating with you.

Why publish this way?

We’re already doing the work and we’re known for the outcomes we help Ruckus Makers achieve as coaches, consultants, and thought leaders in education.

And we want to make impact at scale.

So instead of having to wait until a new book comes out, you can get Ruckus Maker insights before the rest of the education world.

Plus, you can’t talk with us through an e-book or print book.

You can talk with us by leaving a comment on a post. We look forward to the dialogue!

Become a Ruckus Maker

Are you on the path to Do School Different?

Stay Connected

Every micro-book is sent directly to your inbox.

Free subscribers will access previews of each new edition. Paying subscribers will receive the full edition as well as access to our entire content archive.

We also have books available for purchase:

Note: A digital copy of Build Leadership Momentum & The Remarkable Vision Formula are included when you subscribe to the Ruckus Maker Newsletter. The audio version of Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader will eventually be included as well.

Meet the Ruckus Makers

Danny Bauer is a Principal Development and Retention Expert, 2x Best-Selling Author, and Host of Two of the World’s Most Downloaded Podcasts.

As a chronically late student, Danny once told his Chemistry teacher a fib about saving an entire girl scout troop from a burning building to get out of a tardy.

Daniel is not sure if it was the very made up story, the very real cookie he offered his teacher, or a combination of both that got him out of a detention that day …

That experience taught him it pays to develop your storytelling skills.

Danny has been telling stories since then, most recently on the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast — ranked in the TOP 0.5% of 3 million global podcasts — and via his best-selling books. The success of this content has opened many doors creating an opportunity to facilitate virtual experiences, workshops, and live events all over the world helping Ruckus Makers Do School Different.

(Other Ruckus Makers to be revealed soon) …

Subscribe to Ruckus Makers

Helping Ruckus Makers Do School Different™.


Helping Ruckus Makers Do School Different™. 2X Bestselling author. Host of a TOP 0.5% podcast.